


Influencer Campaign

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13 Influencers

1M+ Views

Not For Broadcast: How Influencers Boost Sales for Indie Game

Not For Broadcast is a unique adventure, indie, full-motion propaganda simulation game that immerses players in the role of managing news content. Developed by NotGames and distributed by tinyBuild Games, the game has received positive reviews for its innovative concept, gameplay, humorous video clips, and production control room elements. However, with the market crowded with thousands of games vying for attention, tinyBuild Games recognized the importance of a strong marketing strategy to promote Not For Broadcast's complete release and enhance its visibility on Steam, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

In this case study, we will discuss our successful influencer marketing campaign for the game's full release.

Project goals

Boost sales on Steam and Console


Re-engage existing players and attract newcomers who are unfamiliar with the game

About the Game

Not For Broadcast is set in a 1980s European country where the populist Advance party leads to an authoritarian dystopia. Players assume the role of Alex Winston, a TV station director responsible for live broadcasts, airing ads, censoring profanity, and maintaining viewership. The game presents a satirical, chaotic perspective on controlling the news.

Campaign Strategy

The main challenge in promoting a video game like Not For Broadcast is effectively communicating its unique gameplay mechanics and narrative style. Not For Broadcast is a narrative-driven game that requires players to make real-time decisions in a simulated live television broadcast. This can be a difficult concept to convey in marketing materials, and requires creative approaches that highlight the game's unique features. Another challenge was promoting the full release after pandemic-related lockdowns delayed the final chapters.

To achieve campaign goals, Cloutboost partnered with credible YouTube and Twitch influencers who value engaging, narrative-driven games and boast highly engaged audiences. The influencers ranged from nearly 100K to over a 1M subscribers, ensuring a broad reach across the gaming community.

We recognized the importance of partnering with different types of influencers to appeal to different audiences and enhance the game's visibility. For instance, we partnered with influencers such as Writing On Games, who are known for producing in-depth game reviews and analysis, and larger influencers like 8-BitRyan, who have a broad audience reach. We also collaborated with popular Twitch streamers such as Northernlion, with whom we arranged two 3-4 hour sessions on Twitch, followed by VOD publication on the influencer's YouTube channel.

Furthermore, Cloutboost assisted tinyBuild games in promoting the game's launch on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch, where we enlisted influencers who mainly play console games, such as RGT 85, Spawn Wave, and WULFF DEN. By leveraging the unique strengths and appeal of different influencers, we created engaging, captivating content that helped attract new audiences and promote the game's launch on multiple platforms.

Creator Content

The video shows 8-BitRyan's experience playing the game as a Nightly News editor and highlights some of the funny situations he encountered while editing the news. As a way to express their appreciation for 8-BitRyan's interest and support of the game, TinyBuild offered him a job on the National Nightly News in the video comments. 

Another video by Materwelonz, a popular gaming YouTuber, provides a synopsis of the game's story and key features, such as the ability to frame pictures, handpick headlines, and cue ads. Materwelonz discusses the game's editing and censorship mechanics, which allow players to keep the news safe for all audiences, including children and oppressive political regimes


Overall, the campaign successfully conveyed the news that the final set of chapters had been released, boosted sales on Steam and consoles, and re-engaged previous players while attracting newcomers who were unfamiliar with the game.The game's complete release received overwhelmingly positive reviews, with gamers praising the game's unique narrative and gameplay mechanics. At the end of the campaign, Not For Broadcast Influencer content received more than 1M views and counting. As a reliable partner of TinyBuild Games, we consistently execute successful marketing campaigns for them by pairing them with suitable video game influencers.


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# of Influencers
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