Our services

Creating data-driven, video game marketing
that works

Power up your brand

CloutBoost makes data-driven acquisition marketing as enjoyable as games themselves. We do this by helping brands tap into a 3 billion gaming audience worldwide with the right marketing strategies through the right channels and with the right messaging.

Influencer campaign management

With over 40 million active video game channels on YouTube alone, wading through the influencer pool can be overwhelming. CloutBoost takes brands under our wing by coming up with the best strategies, reaching out to the right influencers, and negotiating the best terms to maximize campaign performance and revenue.

Retargeting &

With around 500 new games being released every day on just mobile platforms alone, breaking through gaming marketing noise can be tough. Through the strategic retargeting of users who've engaged with influencer content and repurposing of user-generated content, we craft campaigns that transcend the gaming arena.

Public relations management

Getting people talking about your brand is one of the most important things in marketing. That’s how you earn brand evangelists and ultimately increase ROI. To get the masses talking, CloutBoost targets the media outlets and figures out which form (e.g., press releases, feature coverage, etc.) best fits the needs of your message.

Our clients

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Discover how Cloutboost can boost your video game's success with our Influencer Marketing Services.

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